Working with English language students from around the world - whether it's for that perfect "Miaow!" with a British accent, preparing for professional success or somewhere in between.
River Laker English Language School was born from the desire to provide an English language school that knows the names of all of its students.
Moving away from one-size fits all mega-sized schools we are an online and in-person school for ages 6 through to adult, with a maximum enrollment of 25 students.
We move a student towards real-life language competence. We create a personalised learning plan and use teaching techniques and tools that best fit the student.
Along the way we customise the learning for each student and creatively approach learning challenges along the way.
We start with a student who needs to learn the word C-A-T, and continue to the student who needs success with their professional life.

Teacher River

At River Laker English Language School all new students take our ESL Placement Test and a trial class. We use these to build your Individual Learning Plan. Your Individual Learning Plan is a custom learning schedule that is adapted to your specific language needs. Speaking, writing, reading and listening development are included in our plans.
Our entire curriculum is based on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment). The CEFR is used by all major publishers, including Oxford and Pearson, to guide the scope and sequence of foreign language learning.
At River Laker English Language School our ESL lessons are never repetitive! Our live ESL classes feature a variety of teaching tools and techniques.
We embrace the individuality of our students and personalise their teaching plan and classes accordingly.
Kindness, patience and creativity are the foundations of our teaching philosophy.

Language levels at River Laker English Language School start from Beginner and lead to Advanced with four levels in between. All of our lesson plans lead towards real-life language competence.
Our lesson content is authentic and utilises contemporary, diverse and practical contexts.
Each language level includes approximately 40 lessons and each lesson is designed to be completed in 60 - 80 minutes of class time (plus homework and self-study time).
All classes are one-to-one.
Each student enrolled with River Laker English Language School takes a placement test, has a personalised learning plan and homework assignments.
All learning plans are developed in consultation with the student and/or parents and are designed to be fluid and adaptable as needed.
40 minute lesson - $30 (U.S. dollars)
60 minutes - $40
100 minutes - $55
Please send a message for information on promotional pricing.

Contact us to arrange your placement test and trial class
WeChat: riverlanguageschool

WhatsApp: +52 56 4000 0652